Code :
msmunir@ppin-msmunir2:~ # scp VirtualBox-2.1.2_41885_fedora9-1.i386.rpm
msmunir@'s password:
VirtualBox-2.1.2_41885_fedora9-1.i386.rpm 100% 15MB 25.4KB/s 10:00
msmunir@ppin-msmunir2:~ #
Note :
VirtualBox-2.1.2_41885_fedora9-1.i386.rpm = file that will be send
msmunir@ = my account at remote computer and plus with location where the file will be places.
You see, a file with size of 15 MB be transfered with rate 25.4 KB/s and need time for 10 minutes. If we converte, 25.4 KB/s is equal to 203.2 Kb/s. Therefore, the bandwitdh beetwen my place to Internet Exchange is 25.4 KB/s or 203.2 Kb/s.
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